Floating Docks

Floating Docks are recommended for deep water, depth changes, depths over 6 feet or unstable bottoms.

Key Features

  • Floating docks stay at a consistent height above the water
  • Decked with Western Red Cedar or Sure Step plastic decking
  • Floats are manufactured from a linear polyethylene resin filled with expanded polystyrene
  • Floats contain UV inhibitors and carbon black pigment to protect against fading
  • Floats are strong and warrantied for 10 years
  • The wider the dock the more stable it is
  • We recommend a minimum width of 6 feet
  • Gangways and ramps are available in different sizes
  • Frames are welded for strength
  • Anchor chains slots are welded to the frame for strength

Aluminum Frame Floating Docks

Superior Systems aluminum frame floating docks are hand crafted by experienced welders using the highest quality Canadian materials at our location in Portland Ontario. Each ramp and floating section utilizes marine grade aluminum framing and stainless steel fasteners to ensure a completely corrosion free design. We offer 3 different float options (Standard, Wheel-In and Premium Pontoon Style) and 2 different decking options, western red cedar and surestep plastic. Superior Systems uses a 6” side rail for the aluminum perimeter of the frame giving each dock excellent rigidity.

  • A wooden dock is sitting in the middle of a lake.

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  • A dock is sitting in the middle of a lake.

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  • A black plastic container with a lid on a white background.

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Standard Aluminum Series

  • 2x4x12” Techstar plastic floats manufactured from line polyethylene resin filled expanded polystyrene
  • Floats contain UV inhibitors and carbon black pigment to protect against fading
  • Frame and floats have a 10 year warranty
  • Decked with Western Red Cedar or Surestep plastic decking

Wheel In Aluminum Series

  • 2’x4’x18” Wheel floats are perfect for easy removal and installation
  • Recommended for areas with a history of ice damage or where docks are removed for the off season
  • Floats manufactured from line polyethylene resin filled expanded polystyrene
  • Floats contain UV inhibitors and carbon black pigment to protect against fading
  • Frame and floats have a 10 year warranty
  • Decked with Western Red Cedar or Surestep plastic decking
  • A wooden dock is in the middle of a lake

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  • A black container with a large wheel attached to it

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  • A dock in the middle of a lake with trees in the background

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  • A large metal structure is sitting on top of a lush green field.

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  • A row of black pipes are sitting in the grass

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Premium Series

High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) 14” float pipes with 12” lateral welded pipe

Lifetime manufacturer’s warranty on the engineered HDPE float frame

Not only does the heavy duty HDPE pipe frame act as the floatation system but its longitudinal and lateral welded frame give the dock superior compression

Superior torsional strength is ideal if you choose to leave the dock in the water

HDPE facts:

  • HDPE has an infinite useful life
  • HDPE requires no maintenance
  • HDPE cannot be damaged by animals
  • HDPE does not deteriorate
  • HDPE respects a lake’s ecological balance
  • HDPE is eco-friendly
  • HDPE Float combined with an aluminum heavy duty frame are built to last for generations

Floating Dock Gallery

C&M Superior Systems builds amazing Floating Dock Systems! Check out more photos of our top-quality Floating Dock Systems in the gallery below.

Discover Your Dream Dock Today!

C&M Superior Systems offers Delivery & Installation. Contact us for a quote.
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